Medical Corner

Lincoln House has welcomed the new Executive Nurse Administrator, Sarah Rowan, RN BSN and Jodi Demell, LPN who coordinate and collaborate with the team of health care providers to ensure the best quality of life for each resident at Lincoln House. The services that the nurses provide are as follows:

  • 24/7 consultation of the Registered Nurse - Sarah is in the building Monday through Friday and Jodi is here on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

  • Medication Administration and delegation to the PCA staff.

  • Case management with Primary and Consulting Physicians including adjunct services, Home Health, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Hospice.

  • Laboratory studies as deemed by physician request/orders (staff draws the blood and transports to CVMC lab).

  • Transportation is available for residents to and from all medical appointments in the local area when family is unable to provide.